Personal Growth for Individuals
Managers, Leaders, Motivators, Executives & Individuals
Traditional Karate training is like a magnifying glass to expose all human qualities, weaknesses & shortcomings. Through the training, the practitioner comes to realization of his/her personal weaknesses and gets guided to work on them. This creates the opportunity to improve the practitioner's character. Human weakness can be categorized into two categories of flaws. Type 1 are outer weaknesses, Type 2 are inner weaknesses. The work done involves two categories: "Category 1 is based on exaggerations of oneself while category 2 is based on self-doubt".
Category 1
Examples of exaggerations of oneself are:
- craving
- high spirits & haughtiness
- exhibitionism
- arrogance
- victories zeal
- profiling addiction
- the urge to constantly prove oneself
- aggression
- delusion of grandeur
- over activity
- risk-taking
- lust
- destructive frenzy
- inconsiderateness
- recklessness
- egoism
- ruthless
- hardness
- emotional coldness
- overeagerness
- acting (in a way of faking it and not wanting to admit lack of knowledge or skill)
- careerism
- know-it-all manner
- machismo
- quarrelsomeness
- irresponsibility
- unscrupulousness
Category 2
Examples of Feelings self-doubt are:
- discouragement
- faintheartedness
- fear of failure
- helplessness
- disorientation
- distrust
- pessimism
- dependency
- uncertainty
- standstill
- loss of control
- overly safety-conscious attitude
- listlessness and apathy
- laziness, self-pity
- lack of spontaneity
- wimpishness & softness
- lack of ability to handle conflicts
- resignation
Reducing or eliminating those weaknesses is essential since it is our personal weaknesses and insecurities that hold us back. We can only be as successful as our weakest link.
"Working out personal weaknesses and insecurities is the true meaning of Budo
- the fight with oneself."
A Taitoku graduate walking the path of self-mastery will turn not only into an inspiration to his/her surroundings but will be able to lead through the strength of his/her character. The discipline, focus & virtues learned on this path will qualify the person to lead from the front creating followers. This eliminates the need to rely on a given authority or title.
"A true leader is born".
Please choose between our 2 day weekend course or our 3 month intensive Leadership and Team Training course.
2 Day Course
Leadership & Personal Growth
3 Months of Intensive
Leadership & Personal Growth
Taitoku Leadership & Team Training is the only program for Leaders, Managers and Individuals that will bring yourself, your company or organization to the next level of mindfulness, empathy, efficiency, performance & success.
This leadership course is executed by Tokon Martial Arts LLC
Contact us at (916) 835-7717, or via email: